Smidgeon Scarf
You will never throw away a itsy bitsy piece of yarn when the Smidgeon Scarf is around! You can even use pieces as short as 6 inches! Surprising? Read on or better yet watch my latest video How to Crochet the Smidgeon Scarf.
Hiding out at the bottom of my yarn basket were these really tiny balls of yarn. Some were not even balls! Measuring less than the amount needed to complete the smallest center of a granny square afghan, smidgeons have been discovered! To my dismay, some of my yarn stash was so small I would get part of the way through the middle and find myself at the end of my yarn! I swore this was never going to happen to me again. If the yarn is less than 1 ½ arm spans then it is delegated to the smidgeon bag. Stretch out your arms and the distance from hand to hand is an arm span.
Now what will I do with the smidgeons? At first, there were not enough smidgeons but as I worked through the scrap yarn basket, I found I had more and more smidgeons some measuring just 8 inches! Why could I not throw these little smidgeons away? When it dawned on me… I needed a smidgeon scarf. Colorful and warm, the smidgeon scarf is a fun project because you never know what will happen next. Enjoy the pattern!
It’s been so much fun, I even added a video to answer all those crazy little questions that make crochet a delight!
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